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Cat Surgery

Morrisville Cat Hospital provides advanced surgical care in Morrisville, NC, assuring your cat’s well-being.

Cat Surgery

We proudly provide Morrisville, NC, and surrounding communities with state-of-the-art veterinary surgical procedures. We believe in utilizing the highest level of medical technology, and our surgeons are experienced and highly trained.

We also realize that it can be stressful to have your cat undergo surgery. We want to assure you that your cat is in good hands and that we will do everything to provide the best care possible.

Some of the surgical procedures we perform are:

  • Spays
  • Neuters
  • Emergency surgery (laceration repair, wound repair,
  • foreign object removal)
  • Soft tissue/general surgery(i.e., growth removal)
    Orthopedic surgery
A fully-trained staff member closely monitors your cat for every surgical procedure using state-of-the-art anesthesia monitoring equipment. Your cat will be closely monitored before, during, and after their surgical procedure.
Cat wearing a cone

Pre-Surgical Care

Before surgery, all patients are carefully screened, and anesthetics are specifically tailored to your cat. We require pre-surgical blood work to evaluate your pet’s internal functions before undergoing anesthesia.

Anesthesia and Patient Monitoring

We utilize the safest, multi-modal anesthesia techniques available and provide the same level of patient monitoring you would receive if you were having surgery. We use ECG monitoring during surgery to monitor your pet’s blood pressure, respiration, heart activity, oxygen saturation, and temperature.

Pain Management

Your pet’s pain relief is our top priority. At Morrisville Cat Hospital, we ensure your pet has minimal pain before, during, and after surgery. We utilize multiple therapies to control pain so your pet is as comfortable as possible until fully recovers.